Monday, 6 June 2011

Family and Solidarity

Thursday, 11 March 2010


Can we do all that our heart really wants? We may not expect anything from our parents, wives, children, in-laws and others but what about their expectations from us? Once I read the statement that said: people pursuing higher goals should not marry at all. Why? Because he/she will soon realise that the family is becoming an obstruction rather than an encouragement. Old people say SANSAR TO BHAI KADAVO JA CHHE. That's perhaps the reason why, in our ancient literature a SANSARI is considered nobler than a sadhu himself. Some do believe it is not necessary to renounce our community to do SATKARMA as a sadhu. One can be a sadhu being a SANSARI as well.

Is it possible that entire family lives in a harmony and allow the other to do whatever he/she wants to? Can we have that type of solidarity and faith among the member of family? We talk about the unity of India, a country which has a wide variety of castes and religions. But can we have a unity in our family? Or forget entire family, can we have oneness with our wife/husband? If husband and a wife can't enjoy the bliss of solidarity, can we think of unity at national level?

Though I have come across many individuals(parents, husbands or wives) who have always encouraged their offsprings, life-partners or any sort of other dependents to do whatever they wish to do in their life, I don't remember to have come across such a great family as a whole. It is highly difficult not to expect and let the concerned person chart out his or her own map of life without being a hurdle in their life. I think it demands understanding on our part and complete faith upon one another. What do you say?

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